Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Communiqué of the 208th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union Held on 9 November 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
(African Union Commission, 2009-11-09)
The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 208th meeting held in Addis Ababa, on 9 November 2009, received a briefing by the Commissioner for Peace and Security, and the Special Envoy of the Chairperson ...
Press Statement of the 210th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union Held on 26 November 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
(African Union Commission, 2009-11-26)
The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 210th meeting, held on 26 November 2009, received a briefing from Professor Francis Deng, Under-Secretary-General, Special Advisor of the UN Secretary-General ...
Press Statement of the 208th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union Held on 9 November 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
(African Union Commission, 2009-11-09)
Le Conseil de paix et de sécurité (CPS) de l’Union africaine (UA), en sa 208ème réunion tenue le 9 novembre 2009, a eu un échange de vues avec une délégation de la Commission des Nations unies pour la consolidation de la ...