Now showing items 1-10 of 75
The African Union Peace and Security Council Handbook 2021: Guide on the Council's Procedure, Practice and Traditions
(Amani Africa, 2021)
In this 1st edition of the AU PSC Handbook, Amani Africa presented an authoritative guide to the Council’s work, mandate, structure and functions. The Handbook is a critical resource that provides readers with practical ...
15th Annual Joint Consultative Meeting Between Members of the African Union Peace and Security Council and the United Nations Security Council, 17 December 2021. (Virtual)
(African Union Commission, 2021-12-17)
The members of the African Union Peace and Security Council and the United Nations Security Council seized the opportunity of the 6th Joint Informal Seminar, held on 16 December 2021, to exchange views on predictable and ...
Press Briefing of the Chairperson of the AU Peace and Security Council in August 2021 (Cameroon)
Briefing by the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cameroon to the AU and Chairperson of the PSC for the month of August 2021, H.E. Ambassador Churchill Ewumbue-Monono.
13th Retreat of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union, 27 to 29 May 2021, Mombasa, Kenya.Working Methods in the Context of AU Institutional Reforms.
(African Union Commission, 2021-05-29)
The Retreat was chaired by Ambassador Salah Francis Elhamdi, the Permanent Representative of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to the AU, in his capacity as the PSC Chairperson for May 2021. The Retreat focused ...
2nd Annual Consultative Meeting between the Peace and Security Council and the Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolutions (RECs/RMs) on 26 August 2021, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
(African Union Commission, 2021-08-26)
The PSC and RECs/RMs expressed concern over the myriad threats to peace, security, stability and socio-economic development in the Continent, including armed conflicts, terrorism, extremism, piracy, cyber-attacks, transnational ...
Joint Communique on the Situation in Somalia (AU, EU, IGAD and UN), 10 April 2021.
(African Union Commission, 2021-04-10)
The meeting was convened in light of the gravity of the ongoing political stalemate in Somalia over the holding of delayed elections, and the continuing impasse in dialogue between the Federal Government and some Federal ...
Press Release: AU Peace and Security Council Undertakes a Four-Day Field Mission to the Central African Republic (CAR), 28 June to 1 July 2021.
(African Union Commission, 2021-06-28)
Bangui, 28 June 2021: The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), under the Chairmanship of the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Burundi to the AU, Ambassador Joel Nkurabagaya, arrived in ...
Report of the Field Mission of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union to Somalia, 8 to 10 November 2021.
(African Union Commission, 2021-11-10)
The PSC delegation of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), led by the Permanent Representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the AU, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohamed Omar Gad, in his capacity as ...
Communiqué of the 1051st Meeting of the Peace and Security Council Held on 26 November 2021, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
(African Union Commission, 2021-11-26)
The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) at its 1051st meeting
held on 26 November 2021 on the theme: Climate Change and Peace and Security: The need
for an Informed Climate-Security-Development ...
Communiqué of the 993rd Meeting of the Peace and Security Council Held on 22 April 2021, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(African Union Commission, 2021-04-22)
Communiqué adopted by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) at its 993rd meeting held on 22 April 2021, on the political and security situation in Somalia.